The Historical Society of Fairfax County, Virginia invites submissions for upcoming issues of its Yearbook, a journal featuring original research about the history of Fairfax County. The Historical Society of Fairfax County was organized on February 18, 1950 and is the oldest organization of its kind in the county. Its chief mission is the promotion and preservation of county history.
The Yearbook welcomes articles, essays, and pieces on public history on a wide range of subjects related to Fairfax County history. The upcoming 250th anniversary of the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence makes us especially interested in related topics, including previous celebrations such as the United States Bicentennial in 1976.
Articles should be submitted in MS-Word, should follow our style guide, and ideally will be 5,000-8,000 words. Strong feature pieces should not only be informative but also include important historiographical connections of local history to broader narratives. Shorter informative pieces are also welcome. Images are strongly encouraged. Send a query with your article idea and general description of research to: